About Me
Hello! I'm Sophie, a hobbyist programmer and 3D animator. I like to make things that are fun and interesting. I'm always looking for new project ideas and ways to improve my skills.
I mostly write Golang and C++. I find them to be the most intuitive languages for me. I like to over-optimise my code and make it as efficient as possible. That's why I like to write in C++ as I can make sure that my code is as fast as it can be for the hardware I intend to run it on. But when it comes to server-side code, I prefer Golang. It's a lot easier to write and maintain and more stable with threads.

You can find my git repositories on my git server. There you can find all the programming thingy things I've done.
You can read my blog posts. To see some things I thought were interesting.
I also have some animations I've made in Blender on my animations page. It's just some random things I've made for fun.
Online Profiles
D Discord: sophuwu
G GitHub: Sophuwu300
S Sketchfab: Sophuwu
O OnlyFans: petsophuwu
E Email: sophie@sophuwu.com